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  • Writer's pictureHarry Stahel

Offshore Drilling in Oklahoma, Yes…Offshore !

It is a new day, so there must be a new leading bidder for Anadarko. As HCS Energy Consulting catches its breath during the intermission of this bidding show, we did some spring cleaning and foun

d the ‘offshore’ drilling picture below from the Mississippi Lime boom in 2011-2014. Just as Wall Streeters say “there is always a boom market somewhere, you just have to find it”, the energy industry cycles the same way as producing basins and industry segments rotate in and out of favor. The Permian is hot now but it was not even in the conversation in the early 2000’s when the late 1990’s gas fired power plant construction boom shifted the USA into being natural gas short. This new demand kicked off natural gas’ popularity which was further fueled by Barnett shale drilling across the Dallas-Fort Worth area in 2000-2001, followed by the start of Fayetteville Shale drilling across Arkansas in 2004-2005 and then by the Haynesville Shale drilling in NW Louisiana and NE Texas beginning in 2007-2008. I wonder if any offshore drilling platforms will show up in West Texas or SE New Mexico. What do you think ?

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